Western Australia’s SUP5000 race the weekend of July 7 featured a series of 4 SUP races of increasing distances (500m, 1000m, 15000m and finally 2000m with a short break in between). Marcus Tardrew of Osbourne Park tells us that he was unable to get on the water the week leading up to the race, but using his SUP Paddling Adapter to the Concept2 Indoor Rower was able to train and simulate the race format at his house. Seems to have helped as he had 4 wins in 4 races! He explains that although some of the faster guys weren’t at the race, he felt really strong and attributes his success largely to his paddle adapter training. Way to go Marcus! Glad we could help!
For a thread about the race and photos: http://secure.seabreeze.com.au/forums/Stand-Up-Paddle/SUP/SUPWA-SUP-5000-event-Saturday-7th-of-July/